New products! KoalaKit Portable Solar Mats
Here at Openhouse we’re proud to have started work with IDUS Consultancy, on a new set of products for their […]
Here at Openhouse we’re proud to have started work with IDUS Consultancy, on a new set of products for their branded product; Koalakit.
Koalakit is a green company, dedicated to producing environmentally friendly energy solutions. Their range of portable solar mats, designed to charge small electronic devices, allow for green and efficient power wherever it is required.
We worked closely with KoalaKit on the cases for two of their portable solar mat products, the Koalakit Mini and the Koalakit Expedition. These devices are unique, lightweight flexible solar mats, which fold away into neat portable cases.
How does it work?
Made with 6 flexible triple junction solar tiles and a USB socket electronics box, the Koala Kit Mini 6W Solar Charger is durable, lightweight and even works well in low light. Unlike other solar chargers, the power isn’t stored within the electronic box, it runs directly to the connected devices battery – Perfect for smartphones, small electronics and the likes of. The larger version, Koalakit Expedition 12W is perfect for larger devices such as tablets.
Recently Koalakit was taken to the South Pole and used to charge small electronic devices with great success!
Recently Koalakit was taken to the South Pole and used to charge small electronic devices with great success!
See some of Openhouse’s other collaborations here.