Emergency Services Tradeshow Review 2015
Openhouse exhibited at the Emergency Services Show again this year, with a range of new bespoke medical bags and the […]
Openhouse exhibited at the Emergency Services Show again this year, with a range of new bespoke medical bags and the launch of our very own brochure.
Every year we look forward to attending the ESS trade show not only to display some of our latest medical products but also to catch up with some of our valuable suppliers and customers.
Openhouse ESS Trade-show Stand
We found a great, slightly gruesome display at Simulaids stand this year. Simulaids create hyper-realistic medical training manikins to help train medical professionals. Check out their website here.
Simulaids Medical Training
Halfords Ambulance BikesÂ
It was great to see one of our partners, Halfords, displaying our bespoke ambulance and police bike panniers. Not only do Halfords provide the emergency services with bikes and medical bags from Openhouse, but they also offer a unique mechanic maintenance service to keep the bikes in excellent working order. Visit www.openhouseproducts.com/halfords-ambulance-bikes/
Halfords Ambulance Bikes
New Medical App Launched
The British Red Cross launched their new medical app at one of the seminars, which we were keen to download straight away. The app includes a number of incredible features such as weather warnings, the UK terrorism threat level and medical advice before, during and after an emergency.
Moreover, the app allows you to send an ‘I’m Safe’ message to friends or family if you are travelling alone, at night or in any other risky situation.
We would highly recommend downloading this great new app, you never know when it might come in useful!
Download on their website here.
Breast Cancer Research
One of our most popular medical bags at the show was our pink Matrons wipe clean medical bag. We will soon be launching a charity campaign where we will donate money to Cancer Research for every pink medical bag that is ordered. If you are looking for something unique, our medical bags can be custom made to order http://www.oh-medical.com/Medical-Bags-s/1887.htm
Pink Cancer Research Matrons Bag
If you didn’t manage to pick up a copy of our brand new brochure please email sales@openhouseproducts.com  and we will send you a copy in the post.
See you next year!